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Round 2 with the Heavyweight | Personal | Rudy & Marta

She puts down the phone. She stares at me with tears in her eyes.  Knowing that the news could mean that she could die.  Knowing that she might not see her children become the people that they desire to be; they might not fulfill their dreams.

My mother has been diagnosed with Stage 0 Breast Cancer a few months ago.  This would be her second time with the heavyweight.  The first time, they removed a portion of her breast, but she survived.  This time, the doctor’s fear that they’ll have to remove the entire thing.

Time passes by.

After seeking consolation from friends and family, she decides to go the natural route.  Quickly, she stocks her cupboards with herbal teas, supplements, and organic foods.  Praying harder than ever before to God for the strength to fight off sickness.

My sister came over for awhile this afternoon.  She got a job at Discovery Cove as a photographer, so she came to me for some advice on how to shoot.  She came in, sat down in between classes.  As I got ready to start talking to her about photography, she stopped me and told me that my Mother has canceled her surgery.  A moment stood still.  It sunk in.

As my mother took her herbal remedies, supplements, and ate like a nutritionist, her body began to receive all the nutrients needed to fight this bastard of a disease.

As of now, she’s counting her blessings and continuing her health venture.  Physically, the disease has receded, but a biopsy will confirm that.  For now, I’m praying and hoping for the best.


P.S.  I’m currently listening to the Across The Universe Soundtrack.



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