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Lemon and Periwinkle Styled Wedding Shoot | The Acre | Inspiration | Rudy & Marta

Before I get into the styled wedding shoot that we just had I have to give a little back story.  The one time that I went to California was for a conference with the Distributive Education Club of America (DECA).  It was an awesome experience.  I didn’t really know what to expect, but I was blown away.  We all partied and worked hard.  I went all the way to nationals and had a blast.

“I see all the photographers having at least one Styled Wedding Shoot every once in awhile to keep their creative muscles strong.”

Now I’m a little older.  With the power of the internet, I look at weddings that happen in California all the time.  Needless to say, The beauty and almost surreal nature of what’s out in the west are always enticing.  I see all the photographers having at least one Styled Wedding Shoot every once in awhile to keep their creative muscles strong.  It’s always gorgeous.  It makes me want to just pack up my things and move to California.  Looking back, it was simply beautiful.  That being said, my wife and family are here in Orlando.  Uprooting everything that I know and all the people I know to move somewhere else is kind of scary.  I’ve always wanted to find something that looks as eclectic, beautiful, and airy as the photographs that I see in the west.

That being said, my wife and family are here in Orlando.  Uprooting everything that I know and all the people I know to move somewhere else is kind of scary.  I’ve always wanted to find something that looks as eclectic, beautiful, and airy as the photographs that I see in the west.

“Marta and I had the luxury of working with Jeneen Bellizzi O’Toole, and be a part of the inspirational styled wedding shoot that she had brewing in her head for quite some time.”

Marta and I had the luxury of working with Jeneen Bellizzi O’Toole, and be a part of the inspirational styled wedding shoot that she had brewing in her head for quite some time.  Seeing it come to fruition in a place as unique as the Acre is what makes it stand out.  The Acre Orlando is a beautiful new venue that reminded me of that California feel.  Obviously, when I was in California it was for a limited amount of time and it was only for a few days, so I can’t really be an advocate for that type of style, beauty, and all around feeling.

That being said, during the styled wedding shoot I couldn’t help but be reminded of California at the Acre Orlando.  Something about that rustic, yet new feeling that you get.  It was small and quaint but had so much personality.  It fit perfectly with the styled wedding shoot that Jeneen had been planning all along.  Overall, it was a pleasant time.  Without any more hesitation, here are a few of the images from that day.


Styled wedding shootbeautiful bouquetStyled shootstyled wedding centerpiece

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