Social Media changed everything. Reviews, whether on the actual website or in person, have a strong hold on what people buy and not buy. Facebook, MySpace, Xanga, Google+…all that stuff was bound to happen. Humans are social. The marriage of social and tech was only a matter of time. In today’s world, we are bombarded with advertisements all the time. We see them in our apps. We see them on our TVs and we see them on newspapers, magazines, and hear them on the radio. With so much noise, we begin to nullify ourselves to it all. Slowly, social media started to realize that maybe they should start to advertise in our feeds.
“Social Media changed everything. Reviews, whether on the actual website or in person, have a strong hold on what people buy and not buy.”
Here’s a secret that I feel we should share with you all. We don’t do any sort of traditional advertising. We tried briefly for one year. It got us nothing. Zilch. Nada. Zippo. It left a bad taste in our mouths and lead towards our weakest times in our business. I had put all our eggs into one basket. It blew up in our face. Ever since then, I didn’t really trust any sort of advertisement. I started to rely on SEO (Search Engine Optimization) for higher ranking in Google. We started to go to networking events to meet more people in the local industry. We started to realize that there were other things that you can do to get business aside from traditional advertising.
“Social media is something that can make or break any company no matter the size.”
I majored in Marketing. My whole premise was finding a target market and going for it at full force. Then I realized, that that’s what everyone does. Social media is something that can make or break any company no matter the size. At the same time, it can make a company and throttle it to the point to where it’s number one in whatever industry they’re in. What do you do to differentiate the yourself in Social Media? With all the buzz that’s going on? All the meme’s and videos of cats, what do you do to stand out?
“Social Media will bring the right business your way.”
I don’t have the answer. I can only share what I’ve done, and I share what it is that we’re doing. We only share what’s going on. We share what’s going to happen. It short: we share. Social Media takes sharing and makes it easy. It’s easy to keep in touch with people across the nation, on the other side of the world, or across the street. You are yourself. You are your brand. Most of all, you are your business.
Use your voice and you’ll attract the people that you’ll click with. Don’t be fake. Being fake will lead towards the wrong people hitting your business up. I’ve said it on my personal Facebook, so I should probably say it here. Social Media is like the bar scene. Don’t say things that will piss people off. Be courteous. Be kind. Above all else, be honest. After all, Social Media will bring the right business your way.