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Inspiration, How I find it | Tips for Photography | Rudy & Marta

Inspiration.  For an artist, it can be anything.  It can be everything.  Heck, it can be nothing or mean nothing.  All in all, it’s there.  When it’s not, it sucks.  When it is, all is good with the world.  What happens when we hit a rough patch?  What happens when we can’t find our muse?  Where do we look?  What can we grasp?

“Inspiration.  For an artist, it can be anything.”

Personally, every once in awhile I look at my stuff and I just feel like it’s bland.  I feel like there has  to be something else that I could do.  Something different.  I kind of try to reinvent myself.  It doesn’t happen often, but when it does it feels awesome.  Whenever I don’t have the inspiration to be creative I look at the world around me and I remember that “great photography is taking the ordinary and making it extraordinary”.

“Inspiration can be found anywhere and in everything.”

Inspiration can be found anywhere and in everything.  Sometimes I look at the simplest, most mundane things and get inspired to do more with it.  It’s really weird.  I’ll be doing something completely different and suddenly I see lines and the rule of thirds pops up.  I see an image before it’s taken.  I think one of the hardest things is getting that inspiration and making it work or be there when I need it most.

“Everything around you is beautiful.  Everything is art.  Everything is inspiration.”

What I’m trying to say is don’t forget to smell the roses.  With film I’ve been able to go and recompose things.  Sort of take a breather and think about what I’m going to capture.  Many people that use digital cameras, use a method called “spray and pray”.  I’m sure you can go ahead and imagine a time when you were guilty of the “spray and pray” method.  I know I’ve done it before.  It’s one of the pros/cons of shooting digital.  I think this is one of the reasons why I felt bored with digital.  Film in a sense has freed me.  Not to mention the accessibility of having a camera on your cell phone and using Instagram. It lets the inspiration runs freely whenever possible.

Take your time.  Look at things.  Everything around you is beautiful.  Everything is art.  Everything is inspiration.

Stay awesome,


Inspiration Photography

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