I was never really a huge football fan. Whether it was college or professional, I never really paid much attention. I can see the love for the sport and how popular it is with people, and that’s not a bad thing. There are so many UF (University of Florida) fans. I run into them all the time, even with UCF (University of Central Florida) being thirty minutes from my house. That’s love for the sport. The fandom that’s there is huge. When Ashley, Josh, Marta, and I sat down at Panera many months ago, we talked about engagement session locations and decided to follow their love of the Gators and their home at UF. We decided to go to the stadium on a day that team was away.
“There are so many UF fans. I run into them all the time, even with UCF being thirty minutes from my house.”
It was my first time (and probably Marta’s) in the stadium. It was amazing. There were people running around the stadium getting their workouts in. There were some of the coaches/boosters/team people that were talking strategy on the field. All in all, it was amazing and I can see why people enjoy being at the stadium. I felt like I was in a Friday Night Lights (which is amazing) episode. It was just a feeling of inspiration that came from that location.
The weather was perfect. It was around 10 degrees cooler than what it was in Orlando, which is nice considering that it’s a swamp up there. No pun intended. Seriously though, I can see why people live near UF after they graduate. The light was perfect. We started out a little later than planned, but it all worked out in the end. We were able to get some shots in the gardens that were just amazing! We can’t wait for their wedding at Mission Inn! Don’t worry. We’re working on the photographs.
By the end of the session, a little part of me had fallen in love with the area. There was a sense of community and a small town feels that came from Gainesville. Something about it that I couldn’t quite put my finger on. All I can say is that I kind of understand the love for this team, UF, and more importantly the town.
Here’s a quick sneak peak of what we were able to capture in Gainesville.