Rudy here. Beloved, the Beloved Collective, and all that jazz. When I first discovered this Guide I thought that I had hit the gold mine. I’m a photographer that’s trying at my core to get the deepest emotions out of people. Sometimes, people don’t want to share. Sometimes people just want to smile, take the photos, and get it over with. I understand that.
Little known fact, I hate getting my picture taken. I mean I HATE it. I’m self-conscious about everything. That’s why I was always the one with the camera at all the family gatherings. 😉
Beloved Promises to take Photo Sessions Deeper
Anyways, once everything is said and done I, as the photographer, don’t feel like I’ve done my job. Then Beloved steps in. This product promises to scratch the surface and go deeper than ever before with emotions. I can see that working. I can see it happening. Marta and I read through the entire Guide together. By the end of it, she was crying from the overwhelming and powerful messages that were written in it. I automatically thought that this was it. This was how we were going to bring the most out of people. Since then, we’ve tried to steer almost all couples session with Beloved. Most of the time were unsuccessful. This takes practice. A lot of practice. The end result is beautiful and well worth it.
These are questions that I was asking myself after reading through Beloved.
In today’s day and age where pictures are so easily taken, we don’t really take much thought into what kind of pictures we take. Every phone has a camera. Each one with an even bigger image sensor than the last. What makes our photography so different from the photography that you do with your phone? Or your point and shoot? Or your entry level DSLR? These are questions that I was asking myself after reading through Beloved. Can’t anyone do this?
All in all, Marta and I tried it on one of our couples that literally rocked it. What a great engagement session it was! Keep in mind that it took a lot of practice to finally be able to do this. I was blown away by the results. Everything that I’ve been wanting to do we did. I mean we only went through about a quarter of the Guide, but at the end, it was a success.
Beloved is not for Everyone
Do I recommend this to everyone? No. Some people just aren’t meant for this. Trust me. At first, I felt really goofy even asking my clients to do this. Eventually, you get used to it, and it’s completely worth it. They’re all little games that sound a little far fetched, but the reaction is what you’re looking for. One thing that I must say is that you have to do this in a secluded place. These people are going to be showing you their souls…you don’t want them to get shy or reserved. Make sure you talk to us about some of the engagement session locations you’re thinking about. On the other hand, if people don’t want to share anything with you, then they won’t. They have to be willing to do this in order for you to get the result that you’re looking for.
Results from using Beloved Field Guide
Enough of that though. Here are some shots that we got from that engagement session.
Keep in mind that these are the images that I think are the strongest and most emotional, which is the entire goal of Beloved. I’m pretty sure that Marta, Charlotte, and Sean all have their favorites. I hope you enjoy them as much as I do. Can’t wait to talk to them more about their wedding planning.
Location: Disney’s Boardwalk