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Craft Coffee | Vespr | Personal | Rudy & Marta Photography

Craft coffee is something that most people don’t even think about when it comes to their coffee.  There are so many things that go into the craft coffee world that isn’t even recognized.  Everyone knows Starbucks.  Everyone knows their favorite drinks there.  Is it just a hipster trend that everyone seems to be following?  Do...

Phone | Android over iOS, Here’s why| Personal

Android over iOS is something that most people don’t say, especially when it comes to something as personal as your phone.  Everyone went nuts when Apple unveiled their iPhone back in the day.  It was awesome and fresh.  It was new tech that everyone wanted, but only a few could get their hands on.  The...

Film Photography and Where I’m at | Rudy & Marta

Film photography is something that I’ve grown to love.  It’s sad that I don’t really have a “fund” per say to buy products.  I’d love to get more film.  I’d love to have more film cameras.  The good, the bad, and definitely the ugly.  Usually the uglier a camera is the better it is, that is...

Instagram and Four things that I just can’t help but Love

It has definitely been awhile since I’ve had the chance to blog.  My day job has kept me busy, and by busy, I mean that I have little if any social life.  That still doesn’t mean that I don’t keep a camera on me at all times.  In comes Instagram. I’ve never been one for...

Film Photography, Exploring new Possibilities | Rudy & Marta

Rudy here.  I’ve always been a fan of wedding photography.  There are some types that I’m not a fan of.  There are some things that people love so much that I think is cliche and dislike (read:  One thing that has always fascinated me is film photography.  Something about it is just amazing.  It...

Juicing, and my Experience So Far | Personal | Rudy & Marta

So…I’ll be honest.  I kind of made a resolution without really trying to make a resolution.  I’m not trying to be like everyone else in what I decided to do.  I’m not trying to follow a click or group or anything.  This is for me.  Marta is doing it too, but I intended it to...

Personal Note | The Roots | Rudy & Marta

It’s Rudy.  It’s currently 2:23 a.m. and I’m writing this personal post.  I know, it’s late.  I’ve always been a nocturnal type of person.  I remember my parents telling me to go to sleep at 8 or 9 o’clock when I was younger.  I never did listen well. 🙂 Anyways, lately, I’ve been looking around....

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